Looking for resources to enhance your curriculum? Here’s a list of virtual libraries and free streaming websites available to homeschool families in South Carolina:
South Carolina Libraries & Education Sites
One of my favorite resources is SCLends, a consortium of 20 county libraries and the SC State Library that share resources. If a book I want isn’t at my local library, I have 20 other libraries in SC to draw from. I just place a hold on the book online, and it’s delivered to my local library for me. If your library is a member – thank them! If they’re not, ask them to join.
The SC Public Libraries website lists contact information for South Carolina libraries, with website links to many.
Discus, South Carolina’s virtual library, is free for SC residents and includes many databases and online encyclopedias. Contact your homeschool association or local library to get the ID and password.
KnowItAll.org is SC ETV’s K-12 educational portal. It contains a collection of interactive websites for students, teachers, and parents.
Free Lending Libraries
Books for the Blind is a library of Braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers by postage-free mail.
Described and Captioned Media Program offers a library of closed-captioned media to students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. It includes streamed media and media delivered by postage-free mail.
More libraries?
Do you know of other libraries or websites that homeschoolers would enjoy? Email me!